Whispered Wonders: Unlocking the Secret Specials

Step into the dimly lit ambiance of our clandestine establishment, where whispers carry secrets, and the air is thick with anticipation. As you settle into the cozy nooks of our speakeasy, indulge in our handcrafted libations and delectable fare. For those privy to our hidden delights, whisper the password "swordfish" to your server and unlock exclusive access to our discounts, which are reserved only for our most discerning patrons. Join us in this covert rendezvous, where every sip and morsel is imbued with the allure of mystery and indulgence

Sip Distilled Spirits Here or At Home

Come in to get a gift for someone special

Check out our Location

Step into the captivating world of Lincoln Speakeasy Distillery for a unique 1920s experience. Witness craft distillation in action as you enter, with a 30-foot bar offering artisanal cocktails, unique wines, and 20 beers on tap. And if you know the password, you might even get a taste of liquor straight from the still. So, relax in the lounge, enjoy live music, play pool, and immerse yourself in the charm of distillery craftsmanship – the perfect blend of drinks and entertainment.

Lincoln Speakeasy Distillery

Lincoln Speakeasy Distillery ☆

Front Doors